VDU darbuotojams


VDU akademinis ir neakademinis personalas gali nemokamai tobulinti kalbines kompetencijas grupėse su studentais, intensyviai, kiekvieną dieną aktyviai dalyvaudami kalbų mokymo(-si) procese. Įsitraukdami į studentų grupes VDU darbuotojai gali mokytis ne tik anglų kalbos, tačiau ir bet kurią kitą kalbą.

UKI vykdydamas VDU kalbų politikos gairių įgyvendinimą, teikia 2015 m. pradėtą kalbinę paramą akademiniam ir neakademiniam VDU personalui ir formuoja atskiras intensyvaus anglų kalbos mokymo(-si) grupes, kurios sulaukia didelio besimokančiųjų susidomėjimo. Kiekvienais metais siūlomų kursų pasiūla yra atnaujinama. Intensyvūs kursai vykdomi sausio mėnesį; kvietimas registruotis siunčiamas į darbuotojo universitetinį el. paštą.


2020 m. VDU darbuotojams pasiūlyti įvairūs kursai ir seminarai:



Dėstytoja: lekt. Ž. Tamašauskaitė

Trukmė: 16 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): The system of English verb tenses differs significantly from the corresponding system in our native language. Therefore, we find it difficult to make a distinction between English tenses and face difficulties using them correctly. Applying a novel approach to teaching, this course aims to assist intermediate (levels B1-B2) learners of English in clarifying uncertainties regarding English tense system and using the tenses correctly. Required English competence: B1/B2


Dėstytoja: lekt. Žieda Tamašauskaitė

Trukmė: 16 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): Generally considered as not complicated, English grammar causes various troubles for language learners. Some find it difficult to use the article or to choose the verb form they need, others have difficulty in getting their plurals right and writing or understanding complex sentences, still others feel unrest whenever they know their grammar can be under scrutiny. This course is aimed at helping intermediate (levels B1 and B2) learners of English to correct grammar mistakes they commonly make and improve their knowledge of English grammar. Required English competence: B1/B2


Dėstytoja: lekt. Ž. Tamašauskaitė

Trukmė: 16 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): Generally considered as not complicated, English grammar causes various troubles for language learners. Some find it difficult to use the article or to choose the verb form they need, others have difficulty in getting their plurals right and writing or understanding complex sentences, still others feel unrest whenever they know their grammar can be under scrutiny. This course is aimed at helping intermediate (levels B1 and B2) learners of English to correct grammar mistakes they commonly make and improve their knowledge of English grammar. Required English competence: B1/B2


Dėstytoja: lekt. V. Misevičiūtė

Trukmė: 8 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): The purpose of the writing academic essay course is to increase independence in and ability to develop, refine, and edit academic argumentative essay–a most popular type of academic essay. Such concepts as purpose, appropriate and convincing support, relevant and believable examples, and appreciation of audience will be covered. A special attention is devoted to understanding Anglo-American type of argumentation. Students will have to take an active and responsible role in peer review and other student-centered activities. Students are encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills: analyze, adapt, and edit their own grammar from a rhetorical perspective. A large portion of the class will be devoted to process writing and student-centered activities in order to increase self-confidence and independence in producing an academic argumentative essay.


Dėstytoja: prof. dr. N. Mačianskienė

Trukmė: 24 ak.val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): The aim of the course: to create opportunities for course participants to brush up their informal conversational language skills.

Expected Learning Outcomes: carry out a small talk more efficiently; demonstrate knowledge in asking questions to start informal conversations; get the most out of conferences; present themselves, their faculty, university, Lithuania, Lithuanian system of education, Lithuanian language more fluently; speak in English in informal situations more confidently.

Suggested topics/ functions: Introducing oneself – introducing others / „How to get the most out of conferences?“; Small talk / Breaking the habit of small talk; Presenting Lithuania (Geography / History / Political situation / etc.); Presenting Education system in LT / Lithuanian language; Presenting VMU – structure, history, Artes Liberales; Presenting the faculty – study programs, department – one‘s job position; Talking about research interests – sharing findings – publications; Barriers to effective communication.

Learning methods: reading, watching videos, discussing, presenting, sharing, participating in pair and group activities

ACTIVATE YOUR ENGLISH B1 (nuotoliniu arba mišriu būdu)

Dėstytoja: lekt. Ž. Tamašauskaitė

Trukmė: 16 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): The course aims at the development of all essential communicative skills at the adequate level: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Based on communicative methodology and a skill-oriented approach, the course enables learners to improve their phonetic, grammatical and lexical competences, participate in role-play activities and discuss cultural issues. Students are briefly introduced to the basic issues regarding studying at Vytautas Magnus University, living in Kaunas, student organizations, opportunities to study languages and other matters.



Trukmė: 12 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): The course is meant for those interested in writing a quality abstract for a completed research. This type of academic writing demands not only good command of the language it is delivered in, but also the knowledge of relevant academic terminology and structural requirements for a research abstract. The course includes the overview of some important linguistic peculiarities of Academic English, a wide range of academic terminology and a lot of practice in the analysis of sample abstracts and writing some of one’s own. Required English competence: B1/B2


Dėstytojos: Dr. T. Ringailienė ir lekt. D. Vaškelienė

Trukmė: 12 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): This course is a practical approach to common communicative situations which usually cause uneasiness for learners because of lack of speaking practice. It not only focuses on sufficiently simple communicative situations, such as ordering food or giving directions but also on how to agree or disagree politely, express opinion, make suggestions and arrangements, etc. Even though the course mainly aims at developing and improving speaking skills, listening or short reading tasks are incorporated to encourage discussions, role-plays, or other speaking activities. The course may be modified depending on the participants’ needs.

Required English competence: A2


Dėstytojos: lekt. E. Linkevičiūtė ir doc. dr. V. Bijeikienė

Trukmė: 14 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): This course is oriented to teachers with B1/B2 competence of English and provides a practical approach to teaching course or discipline-specific content in English. The course involves analysing fragments of video lectures and presentations in order to discuss and practice constructive methods of presenting information from scientific literature in a structured manner and adapting it to the target audience (e.g., employing structural signals, pre-teaching key terms, using examples and illustrations). It also aims at drilling effective communicative skills in an educational context (e.g., giving instruction and feedback, encouraging discussions, asking and answering questions) and techniques to increase students’ comprehension of the academic content (e.g., simplifying, reformulating, etc.). Required English competence: B1/B2


Dėstytojas: lekt. S. Skučas

Trukmė: 12 ak. val.

Aprašymas (anglų kalba): The course „Academic Debates“ is intended for university lecturers’ with language abilities over level B1 and is designed to develop language production and language comprehension skills (speaking and reading). During the discussions academic English (both vocabulary and grammar) will be introduced for effective communication. The discussions will be held on scientific topics (literature, philosophy, education) and will cover certain taboo issues from gay marriage and sex-change operations to problems and frictions of religious communities etc. Required English competence: B1/B2