Katalonų kalba

Būk suviliotas katalonų kalbos! Deixa’t seduir pel català!

Ar žinojai, kad katalonų kalba pasaulyje kalba apie 10 milijonų žmonių? Kad Barselonos ir Katalonijos autonominio regiono universitetuose ir viešosiose įstaigose vartojama būtent ši kalba? Kad pirmoji romanų kalba pasirodžiusi mokslinė knyga buvo parašyta katalonų kalba? Ir daugiau nei dviejuose šimtuose pasaulio universitetų ši kalba yra įtraukta į studijų programas?

Katalonų kalba kartu su italų, prancūzų, ispanų, oksitanų ir portugalų kalbomis priklauso romanų kalbų šeimai. Šios kalbos vartotojų skaičius nuolat auga ir ji vis plačiau vartojama įvariose visuomeninio gyvenimo sferose , šiuo metu katalonų kalba kalbama ne tik Katalonijoje, bet ir kituose Ispanijos regionuose (Valensijoje, Balearų salose ir dalyje Aragono). Katalonų kalba taip pat vartojama Prancūzijos pietuose ir Italijos mieste Algere (Sardinijos saloje). Nykštukinėje Andoros kunigaikštystėje ji turi vienintelės valstybinės kalbos statusą. Išmokti katalonų kalbą ypač svarbu tiems, kurie nori gyventi, dirbti ar studijuoti Barselonoje ar Katalonijoje. Nes būtent ši kalba yra vartojama valstybinėse institucijose, televizijoje, spaudoje ir šalies kultūros ir švietimo įstaigose. Šia kalba paprastai tarpusavyje bendrauja vietiniai gyventojai – katalonai.

Mokytis katalonų kalbos – naudinga ir smagu. Nes kartais katalonų kalba atrodo kaip visų romanų kalbų mišinys. Dažnai sakoma, kad kalbantieji katalonų kalba gali suprasti bet kurią kitą romanų kalbą. Katalonų kalba – tai garsiojo soprano Motserrat Caballe , siurrealizmo atstovo Salvadoro Dali, pasaulyje gerai žinomų prekių ženklų, tokių kaip Chupa-Chups, Torres vynų, drabužių tinklo Mango ar sriubos Gallina Blanca, kūrėjų ir savininkų kalba. Ši kalba- tai ir garsaus tenisininko Rafaelio Nadalio, krepšininko Pau Gasol ir futbolo trenerio Josep Guardiola kalba. Ir, be jokių abejonių, Barselonos futbolo klubo žvaigždžių – Gerad Piqué, Xavi,Pujol ir kitų – gimtoji kalba. Geriausio pasaulyje futbolo klubo kalba!

VDU Užsienio kalbų institutas tave kviečia mokytis šios kalbos nemokamai. Mes nuolat dirbame su įvairiomis Katalonijos institucijomis ir siekiame, kad studentai galėtų katalonų kalbos mokytis Katalonijoje. Egzistuoja įvairios mainų programos, kurias remia regioninė Katalonijos vyriausybė ir kurių galimybėmis galėtų pasinaudoti mūsų studentai, besimokantys katalonų kalbos. Ryžkis! Ateik mokytis katalonų – čempionų kalbos!

Daugiau informacijos galite rasti paspaudę ant šių nuorodų:

www.llull.cat (Institut Ramon Llull)

www.iec.cat (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

www.govern.cat (Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya)

www.upf.edu/en  (Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona)

www.uab.cat (Universitat Autononma de Barcelona)

www.uoc.edu (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya-Open University)

www.castellersdevilafranca.cat ( Castellers de Vilafranca)

Studijų dalykų programos

Kodėl verta mokytis katalonų kalbos? 

Interviu su katalonų kalbos studentais, Barselonos Pompeu Fabra universiteto tinklalapis

„I attended the course of Catalan because it is very funny to talk with the people from Catalonia. I also think that speaking Catalan is very useful to work in Catalonia. Yesterday I went to the cinema and the film was in Catalan. I understood it, more or less, and I was very happy“.

Yukari Uchiyama, Australia

„Because I applied for a job and they asked me to write and speak in Catalan. Firstly, for this reason. Now, I think that learning any language is a useful tool for the future. While it’s true that you speak Catalan just in a region of the world, that doesn’t matter to increase my culture. That’s the most important thing. Yet, I don’t know if this has been a simple experience or something that will be useful for me in the future. The important thing was getting to know Catalan culture, and the value of its language, as well as its rooting“.

Francisco Santillán, Mexico

„Until September 2000, when I enrolled the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, I didn’t know that all the lectures were held in Catalan. That’s why I did the course of Catalan for foreigners, to get to understand something. It’s been a lovely experience“.

Katerina Vitousova

„Because I think it’s very useful to live here, in Barcelona. Because I don’t want my friends to change language in the middle of a chat to talk to me. Because I love the way the people in the bakery or in the market smile when you try to ask for something in Catalan. Because I love the way the different dialects of the Catalan Countries sound like. And last but not least, because I love the way my son speaks it and the way he sings those lovely Catalan songs!“.

Irina Yakadina, Russia

„I like learning Catalan a lot in order to integrate into Catalan society, and besides, it makes it easier for me to talk to my neighbours and friends. I did a master in Telecommunication and I’d like a lot to defend the final project in Catalan, not only because it is a challenge for me, but because I like this language a lot and also talking to Catalans in their own language“.

Margori Amaro, Venezuela

„I decided to learn Catalan because it was a language that I liked a lot. I can’t imagine someone not learning Catalan and being here, in Barcelona. You can speak Catalan with the people in shops, in the marketplace, at the University. I hope that will help me understand Catalan culture better. That will allow me to read newspapers and books in Catalan in the original language. And also it will help me understand texts of the University, forms. In short, it is very important to live in Catalonia“.

Joanna Michno, Poland

„Because studying a new language is always a good thing, and here I can study Catalan and Spanish at the same time. I also thought that this would be a good experience and a way of expressing my respect towards Catalonia“.

Reiko Shimbo

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan because I want to learn a new language. But also because I have lessons in this language and I already had some knowledge of Spanish and wished to learn Catalan“.

Matteo Sterpetti, Italy

„I am in the course of Catalan because I wanted to learn more about the culture of Catalonia, since when I am in a city I want to understand its features. This is the reason why I’m studying Catalan“.

José Nino Silva

„My boyfriend is Catalan and we’ve decided to come to live here, in Barcelona. I’m looking for a job and speaking Catalan helps you a lot to integrate into the culture of a company, but too into a region like Catalonia, and just to understand my boyfriend’s culture better!! Besides, I like learning other languages a lot, and learning Catalan is a pleasure above all“.

Annie Leloup, France

„I learnt Catalan because I think it’s very important for communication with the people. In three months’ time there’s a master in Barcelona and I want to talk without problems to my fellow students, who are almost exclusively Catalan. Then I’ll try to find a job, and I’ve seen on newspapers that you’re asked to know Catalan. And if I want to stay here in the future, I think Catalan is an essential tool to make friends, to work and to feel a little bit more comfortable in this region. The Catalan course in the UPF has been very entertaining, and I’ve found many people in the same situation as me, and we’ve had a great time. That’s why I’d like to do another course to improve and learn more Catalan“.

Lucila Jofre, Argentina

„I am Petra, a student of Translation and Interpretation, and I come from Belgium. I study Catalan because in my studies it is very important to know many languages, and also because I believe that a language tells a lot about the people who speaks it and about their culture. When you live in another country, to study its language is a way to show your respect for it. It helps you to be accepted, and this allows you to adapt much better. I love Catalan very much, but it is very difficult to practise it here in Barcelona, since everyone can speak Spanish and will ever talk to me in this language!“.

Petra Van de Cauter, Belgium:

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan because I am very interested in learning this language. I am a student of the master’s degree in Economics, and I would like to be able to teach in Catalan the lessons I impart to the undergraduate students. I would be very happy if I could reach this goal as soon as possible“.

Santiago Sánchez, Peru:

„I have followed this course of Catalan in order to learn another language, and also because I have subjects taught in this language and to be able to communicate with my Catalan friends“.

Ilyass Azirar, Morocco:

„I study Catalan in order to understand better the lessons taught at the University, and also to be able to talk with my Catalan friends“.

Maria Raquel Lopes Ramos, Portugal:

„Because I want to get familiar with Catalan culture, its people and the daily life here. Barcelona is a very interesting city because it has its own language, which identifies the people from this country. I’m interested in learning more languages“.

Gisele Vega Salas, Peru:

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan so I can learn a new language and widen my cultural background, and also to be able to talk with some friends of mine who are Catalan and to be able to understand my teacher of Economic Criminal Law“.

Clarissa Fonda, Italy

„I enrolled for the course of Catalan because this gives me credits at my university. At the same time, however, I wished to learn a language which is very important in Barcelona and all over Catalonia“.

Sarah Gadd, England

„I enrolled for the course of Catalan because I wished to learn the language of Catalonia in order to be able to talk with its people. At the same time, this gives me credits at my university“.

David Priddin, England

„I enrolled for the course of Catalan because I wanted to learn the language of Catalonia. On the other hand, this will allow me to take a course of Catalan when I am back to England, in my last year at the university, and I wanted to know some before I start it“.

Kate Cusack, England

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan because I want to learn other languages apart from Spanish. If I learn languages in my country, why shouldn’t I learn Catalan in Barcelona? I think it is a good idea. I will always remember from Barcelona the fact that Catalan is spoken“.

Julio Ysrraelit, Argentina

„The teacher is really nice. I think it is important to learn the language of the place you are staying at. This gives you the chance to meet people from all over the world. Once you have learnt a language you can learn another one much more easily. Knowledge is never useless: everything is good for something“.

Ida Söderberg, Sweden

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan because I want to be able to understand the signs in the streets and the people who speaks Catalan, and this course also gives me credits“.

Herrilc Marckstrom

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan because I wanted to know a different language, to be able to understand the classes and to try to understand the press and the signs in the streets“.

Cristina Baldan, Italy

„I enrolled for this course so I could get to know Catalans and their culture better. At the same time, I want to be able to follow my classes at the University, without the language being a barrier for understanding. Finally, because I am fond of studying foreign languages, and this Catalan course is free of charge!“.

Aurelio Tomás, Argentina

„I am very interested in speaking Catalan because I wish to understand my friends better and to have more chances of finding a job“.

Raúl Eduardo Melchor

„I enrolled for this course of Catalan, first of all because I have subjects which are taught in Catalan, and secondly because I am living in Barcelona, and I would like to be able to understand and to speak the Catalan language“.

Tolomea Rubino, Italy

„I enrolled for this course because I would really like to get to know the language spoken at the city where I am living at the moment, and also for personal curiosity. I don’t think it is possible to live in a place and not to speak the language of that place; that’s why I decided to enrol for this course“.

Lina Cirigliano, Italy

„I want to learn Catalan because I want to read directly the words written by Antoni Gaudí, who said that to explain his mind he could only use Catalan. But I also like learning languages very much, and moreover I want to take part in my friends’ conversations“.

Kaori Utsumi, Japan