Synergy of Subject Matter and Foreign Language
PROJECT is supported by European Social Fund for 2007-2013, Operational programme: Development of Human Resources, Priority 2 “Lifelong Learning” VP1-2.2-ŠMM-05-K measure: “Designing and implementing language teaching, entrepreneurship and innovative methods of education”.
Project coordinator: Vytautas Magnus University, Centre of Foreign Languages.
Project partners: Alytus Centre of Vocational Education, Kaunas Jesuit Gymnasium, Kaunas Teacher Qualification Centre, Šiauliai Didždvario Gymnasium, Šiauliai University.
The overall aim of the project is to develop teachers’ foreign language competences (English, German or French), their knowledge and skills in CLIL methodology, lesson planning, classroom management, language learning strategies, using ICT as a teaching resource, promoting cultural awareness and multilingualism. The project also aims to introduce pupils to new ideas and concepts in traditional curriculum subjects, using the foreign language as the medium of communication, which will help to enhance the pupils’ learning experience by exploiting the synergies between the two subjects.