

Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education

The aim of the project is to direct attention not only to the major world languages but also neighboring languages as a means to help shape a competitive business environment in cross-border regions.


The 3K*3M (culture – art – creativity * music – modules – materials) project aims to develop easy-to-use digital content that can be used by a wide range of educational and cultural institutions.


APATCHE: Adding Plurilingual Approaches to Language Teacher Competences in Higher Education The aim of the APATCHE: Adding Plurilingual Approaches to Language Teacher Competences in Higher Education project is reflected in its acronym and title: to add plurilingual approaches to language teachers’ competences in higher education institutions by raising their awareness of plurilingualism by addressing three questions: what are approaches that enable and develop plurilingualism? Why are they important? How can they be applied in teaching in higher education? Multilingualism-enhancing and development approaches value and include in the teaching process all the languages spoken and known by university students who choose to study a subject (higher education institutions are increasingly becoming transnational).


For more than ten years now, VMU UKI has been successfully collaborating with the Westphalian College of Padeborne, with whom the EuLe:European Biographies of Learning and Living project was launched together in 2019. The aim is to collect information on individuals who have returned to formal education after a gap in their lives and are continuing their studies, including the development of multilingual competences.



FAB (Formative Assessment for Foreign Language Learning & Teaching in Higher Education) is an international, educational project, which is financed through European Union funds under the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice.


As we understand learning as a process of cooperation and self-organisation, we have been searching for a way to enable students to study outside of their classrooms in a more autonomous way.



IntlUni – The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the lnternational University.


Erasmus+ project LISTiac (Linguistically Sensitive Teaching in All Classrooms) is a new project the Institute of foreign languages is taking part in. Åbo Akademi University in Finland is the main coordinator of the project. The aim of the project is to support teachers in becoming more linguistically sensitive to enable opportunities for equally successful schooling for all students in Europe.


The overall aim of the project is to develop teachers’ foreign language competences (English, German or French), their knowledge and skills in CLIL methodology, lesson planning, classroom management, language learning strategies, using ICT as a teaching resource, promoting cultural awareness and multilingualism.


The HUMART project is a break through initiative to identify common denominators in the academic sectors/domains of Humanities and the Arts.


The MiLLaT Project (Mediation in Language Learning and Teaching) has been initiated as a response to the most recent innovative developments in the field of language teaching, learning and assessment refined in CEFR/CV (2018). The project aims to reinforce the main methodological message of the CEFR, which implies that the learner is to be viewed as a social, plurilingual and pluricultural language user, whose learning process has to be driven by action and task, and whose assessment is to be guided by their communicative ability in real-life situations


Project results – popularization of language learning and promoting linguistic diversity of the EU; elaboration of innovative training materials; promoting inter-cultural dialogue and co-operation between training institutions.


Network for the exchange of information about good practices that serve to motivate language learners.


Dictionary of Skills and Competences


The aim of the project is to create an e-learning platform for learners of Danish and Norwegian from the Baltic countries with a focus on European language achievement levels A1 and A2.