The MiLLaT Project (Mediation in Language Learning and Teaching) has been initiated as a response to the most recent innovative developments in the field of language teaching, learning and assessment refined in CEFR/CV (2018). The project aims to reinforce the main methodological message of the CEFR, which implies that the learner is to be viewed as a social, plurilingual and pluricultural language user, whose learning process has to be driven by action and task, and whose assessment is to be guided by their communicative ability in real-life situations.
The key position in the action-oriented approach holds MEDIATION, the notion which constitutes the focus of the present project. MiLLaT has been created to raise teachers’ and learners’ awareness of the mediated and complex nature of language learning, to highlight the importance of incorporating mediation (linguistic, cultural, social and pedagogic) into the curriculum development, and designing teaching materials and courses based on real-world communicative needs.
Four foreign language teaching institutions take part in the project representing their universities and countries: the University of Helsinki, Finland, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Charles University, the Czech Republic, and the University of Warsaw, Poland as a project coordinator.
The main objective of MiLLat is to promote inclusion by giving all the participants access to a variety of activities, such as mediation workshops and training, peer observations, conferences, creating and piloting materials for online and traditional courses.
Project start date: November 2019
Project end date: November 2021