2nd International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Multilingualism: Research, Studies, Culture”
On 27-28 September VMU hosted the 2nd international scientific conference Sustainable Multilingualism: Research, Studies, Culture organised by the Institute of Foreign Languages. The conference aimed at assembling international researchers, experts, language teaching professionals, and other stakeholders to share research insights and discuss multilingualism viewed from perspectives of various fields including language policy, language didactics, foreign language teaching, linguistics, translation and others.
The conference started with the plenary session on the issues in the EU language policy. The first plenary presentation was delivered by the president of the European Language Council (ELC), the chair of the European Commission’s Business Platform and the Professor of English philology at Berlin Freie University Wolfgang Mackiewicz, the other presentation was given by the member of ELC Board and the Associate Professor at the Department of Language and Business Communication at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, Karen M. Lauridsen.
Photos of the 2st International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Multilingualism: Research, Studies, Culture”, 27-28 September, 2013
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