Student Language Conference

Dear students, most likely excellent presentations have already been prepared in your chosen language subjects. We would like to invite you to actively participate in the third student language conference, which will be international this year.

The purpose of the conference is to give an opportunity to all language learners- be it a beginning or advanced level-to celebrate progress in language learning not only in the classroom but outside its walls. Languages ​​are alive and in order to acquire them,  you need to find as many ways as possible to use them in real life situations. We really hope that proficient students will give a new life to the presentations while the beginners share comics that will make us laugh or draw attention to the challenges, joys, and curiosities of languages.

The conference is a way to share knowledge and improve language skills, but it can be much more. Namely, it could be a first step in career development. Your active participation in various activities and in this conference is an opportunity to add to your resume yet another challenging experience.

We invite you to overcome your fears and foster your professional curiosity. Registration