Second-graders from Užliedžiai School-Multifunctional Centre visit the Institute of Foreign Languages

On 28 February, UKI was delighted by a fun-filled buzz – the second-graders of Užliedžiai School-Multifunctional Centre were the guests. They were met by UKI Director Dr. Terese Ringailiene and international students – Cianne from Canada, Parminder from India and Jose from Portugal. The students told the children about their home countries and traditions. Cianne taught a children’s song in French and Jose told a story.

Parminder was particularly popular, telling about the traditional Holi celebration, during which participants sprinkle each other with coloured paint, and revealing why they always wear a turban. The children peppered the students with questions about their home countries and Lithuania. The meeting was like a nice trip around the world.