
Guests from the Universities of Silesia and Primorska

Last week, the IFL had some guests: Iwona Wojtala and Andrzej Wojtala from the University of Silesia (Poland) and Dr. Tina Čok from the University of Primorska (Slovenia), who came to VMU on Erasmus+ teaching visits. The guests not only gave lectures to the students of the institute but also met wit...

“Primavera en español“ festival celebrates the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world

On 15-25 April, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will host the annual festival "Primavera en español", which this year invites you to discover the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. All events are open to the general public and will be held in Spanish, Lithuanian and English. One l...

Open Competition for Scholarship of Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnas

On the initiative of Neila Baumilienė, an alumna of Vytautas Magnus University and the Executive Director of the New York Office of the Kazickas Family Foundation, and with the support of the Kazickas Family Foundation, a scholarship in memory of Drs. Vaclovas and Dr. Stefanija Čepukėnai was...

Visit to Don Bosco University in El Salvador

When one hears the country name ‘El Salvador,’ many Lithuanians would probably shake their heads and look at a map to see where it is. Admittedly, we know very little about this country. Naturally, the next question would be the following: what could Vytautas Magnus University and El Salvador have i...

Language tasters at IFL

The Institute of Foreign Languages invites you to take part in the language tasters. The aim of the event is to introduce lesser-known and lesser-taught languages. This year we invite you to “taste” Hindi, Cantonese, Icelandic and Yoruba." EET timezone. The events will be held in English on Teams. ...