
Shakespeare speaks different languages

Celebrating the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death, the year of 2016 is announced as Shakespeare’s year. VMU Institute of Foreign languages together with the initiative of the British Council and the British Embassy invite you to participate in a unique collaboration and to experience th...

National Open Education Week in Lithuania 7-8 March, 2016

Contributing to the initiative of European Commission on “Opening up education”, National Open Education Week is organized in Lithuania for the first time. National Open Education week is organized by Lithuanian Distance and eLearning (LieDM) Association in collaboration with EDEN – European Distanc...

VMU Celebrated the European Day of Languages in the VMU Kaunas Botanical Garden

The 25th of September was marked by the annual celebration of the European Day of Languages at Vytautas Magnus University. This time the Institute of Foreign Languages invited the VMU community and guests to the VMU Botanical Garden where the tournament of orienteering was held in the open air. Memb...

Sustainable Multilingualism: Language, Culture And Society

Good competence of several languages has become one of the key characteristics of the 21st century citizen. The purpose of every contemporary higher education institution is to provide opportunities for graduates to acquire communicative skills in several languages to enable them to maintain intercu...

Webinar: “EPALE portal. Usage of Creative Commons for OER”

May 7th, 2015 15.00-17.00 PM will be organized webinar "EPALE portal. Usage of Creative Commons for Open Educational Resources". During this webinar EPALE portal for Lithuania will be presented by Elena Trepule, Vytautas Magnus University. Also usage of Creative Commons for Open Educational Resource...

“Primavera en español” Is Back with a Jubilee Celebration

VMU festival of Spanish language and culture "Primavera en español" is coming back to Kaunas for the fifth consecutive year to be enjoyed over a period of 20-30 April. This major festival of Spanish culture in Lithuania is celebrating its first (5-year) jubilee with a fascinating variety of events....