
Renewed Nordic Club “Nordi” starts the new school year

On the 14th of September VMU Nordic culture club “Nordi” organized a picnic on Nemunas island and afterwards invited everybody to watch a Norwegian film “Bølgen” (“The Wave”). The chosen day was perfect since we all had few lectures and the weather was fantastic! Bright sun raised our spirits and en...

European Day of Languages 2016

As every year, on 26 September IFL is inviting VMU community to celebrate the European Day of Languages together.  In 2014 the first IFL cup “Fight for language” was established with 3x3 basketball tournament which was won by the students’ team „Dar negavę ir negausim“ representing the Lithuanian la...

Conference “The dynamics of Polish-Lithuanian relations”

On 15-16 September the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas together with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Vilnius and the Polish Institute in Vilnius are organizing a conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between Poland and Lithuania "The d...

Tandem learning/teaching at VMU

In 2014 the Institute of Foreign Languages introduced Tandem learning/teaching of languages thereby offering students a possibility to enhance their learning of languages in an autonomous and self-guided way outside classroom. This method is designed to teach and learn languages in collaboration i.e...

Shakespeare speaks different languages

Celebrating the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death, the year of 2016 is announced as Shakespeare’s year. VMU Institute of Foreign languages together with the initiative of the British Council and the British Embassy invite you to participate in a unique collaboration and to experience th...

National Open Education Week in Lithuania 7-8 March, 2016

Contributing to the initiative of European Commission on “Opening up education”, National Open Education Week is organized in Lithuania for the first time. National Open Education week is organized by Lithuanian Distance and eLearning (LieDM) Association in collaboration with EDEN – European Distanc...