
Second-graders from Užliedžiai School-Multifunctional Centre visit the Institute of Foreign Languages

On 28 February, UKI was delighted by a fun-filled buzz - the second-graders of Užliedžiai School-Multifunctional Centre were the guests. They were met by UKI Director Dr. Terese Ringailiene and international students - Cianne from Canada, Parminder from India and Jose from Portugal. The students tol...

VMU celebrates Mother Language Day

On 21 February, the Institute of Foreign Languages celebrated the already traditional Mother Language Day. During the language lectures, lecturers of the Institute of Foreign Languages spoke about dialects and other varieties of the language they teach, and from 10 am onwards, both VMU students and ...

Creative writing workshop with writer Bárbara Mingo from Spain

27 February, 11.00 am A creative writing workshop in Spanish with Spanish writer Bárbara Mingo Costales will take place at Vytautas Magnus University (V. Putvinskio g. 23, Room 002) on 27 November 27-27 at 11 am. The event is organised in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Lithu...

Merry Christmas from Institute of Foreign Languages!

The festive season is often associated with a source of light and warmth: candles, light garlands, a fireplace or the Star of Bethlehem. On the occasion of Christmas and the coming New Year, we wish you true and bright festive joy! May your life be full of light in all seasons, and may your heart ...

Foreign language training for VMU staff in January

VMU Professional Competence Development Centre in cooperation with VMU Institute of Foreign Languages invites university staff to participate in the January professional development activities - foreign language training. This year we invite you to improve your knowledge of English, as well as to ge...

Call for participation in the International Conference “Sustainable Multilingualism 2025”

The Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University and the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania are pleased to invite you to the 8th International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Multilingualism 2025”, which will be held in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 29–31 May 2025. Abstract sub...