European Day of Languages together with the Institute of Foreign Languages of VMU

We invite you to celebrate the European Day of Languages together with the Institute of Foreign Languages of VMU on September 26, 8:30 a.m., V. Putvinskio Str. 23, Room 106! In the first part of the event, a representative of Alliance for Recruitment will present the need for languages in the labor market, and the students who know more than one language will share their success stories. In the second part, pre-registered teams will participate in the orientation game “Mosaic of Languages and Cultures in Kaunas.”

Part I

8:30–8:35 a.m. opening of the event ( the IFL Director Dr. Teresė Ringailienė)

8:35–8:55 a.m. presentation “The need for languages in the modern labor market” (representative of the company Alliance for Recruitment Kristina Kazlauskaitė)

8:55–9:15 a.m. discussion “Student success stories: why it was worth learning languages” (moderator Dr. Teresė Ringailienė)

Part II

9:20–9:25 a.m. introduction to the rules of the game “Mosaic of Languages and Cultures in Kaunas”

9:30 – start of the game

10:45 – end of the game and counting of points (the participants return to V. Putvinskio Str. 23, Room 106)

11:00 – awarding of the winners


Registration for students