Conference “The dynamics of Polish-Lithuanian relations”
On 15-16 September the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas together with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Vilnius and the Polish Institute in Vilnius are organizing a conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between Poland and Lithuania “The dynamics of Polish-Lithuanian relations.”
The conference will be opened by Ambassador of Poland to Lithuania Jarosław Czubiński. Mr Paweł Kowal, PhD. former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Member of the European Parliament will give the introductory lecture. During the conference the results of research in sphere of dynamics of relations development in the fields of history, philology, political science, economics, sociology, social sciences and humanities will be presented.
In the framework of the conference, on 15 September (at 16.00) in the Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum in Kaunas (S. Daukanto 25 St) the presentation of the biography of the late Polish President Lech Kaczyński (“Prezydent Lech Kaczyński 2005-2010”, written by the Sławomir Cenckiewicz and Adam Chmielecki) will be held. The discussion – with participation of the author and many guests from Poland and Lithuania – will be focused on foreign policies of Poland and Lithuania during the terms of presidents Lech Kaczyński and Valdas Adamkus, particularly in the context of their active actions in the Eastern Europe. It will be also a good opportunity to recall the term of late President Lech Kaczyński, that was so tragically interrupted. Sławomir Cenckiewicz, PhD., Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Jaroslav Narkevič, Ambassador Žygimantas Pavilionis, PhD., Paweł Kowal, PhD. (tbc) and Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy Professor at Department of Political Science Šarunas Liekis, PhD. will take part in the book’s presentation and the discussion afterwards. The welcome speech will be given by Polish Ambassador Jarosław Czubiński and Professor Egidijus Aleksandravičius, PhD.
On 16 September (at 12.00) a panel titled „Poland and Lithuania after 25 years of resumption of their diplomatic relations – where are we now and where are we striving together? How can we contribute to a stable and prosperous Europe?” will be held. The Director Political Cabinet of the Minister FA of Poland Jan Parys, Political Director of the Ministry FA of Lithuania Rolandas Kačinskas, ambassador Vygaudas Ušackas, Giedrius Česnakas, PhD., Marcin Terlikowski, PhD. from the Polish Institute of International Affairs and Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy Professor at Department of Political Science Šarunas Liekis, PhD. will take part in the discussion. Panel discussion moderated by Andžej Pukšto, PhD.
The conference will be held in English.