1. The Description of Payment Procedure for Studying Foreign Languages (hereinafter, Procedure) is prepared in accordance with the VMU Study Regulations and other documents governing the studies.

2. VMU first-cycle and integrative study program students shall pay a fee of 2 BSI[1] per semester for studying a foreign language course of 7 credits and 6 credits, except when:
2.1. a foreign language is included in the compulsory study program and is studied as a Group C course;
2.2. a foreign language is studied as a Group A course from the Subgroup of Foreign Languages, the volume of which is not less than 12 credits and not more than 24 credits (see Study Regulations, par. 35, 100 and 101);
2.3. the English language competences of the students who enrolled in the University in 2015 and before meet the requirements of Level B1 or B2 and the student has not used the 6 or 12 credits allocated for compulsory English language learning;
2.4. the student studies foreign languages which are offered free of charge, the list of which is approved by the Rector’s Order, even if the languages are not included in the compulsory study program;
2.5. the student studies the same language (except for English) at B1.2 and above B2, C1 and C1/C2 levels, having already paid for three levels of that language, even if the credits exceed the compulsory curriculum;
2.6. the foreign language course is 3 credits, then 1 BSI is paid for one semester language course studies.

3. VMU first-cycle program students shall pay for the study of all foreign languages taught at VMU for the total number of credits (the cost of the credit is confirmed in the student-university agreement).

4.VMU second-cycle students shall pay a fee of 2 BSI or 1 BSI for studying foreign languages for one semester, except when:
4.1. a foreign language is included in the compulsory study program;
4.2. the student studies foreign languages which are offered free of charge, the list of which is approved by the Rector’s Order, even if the languages are not included in the compulsory study program;

5. VMU first-cycle, second-cycle and integrated program students who do not wish their final grade received for the foreign language course and the credits for the course to be included in the study certificate, at the beginning of the semester, shall submit the application to the Institute of Foreign Languages (hereinafter, IFL) to become an unclassified IFL student, conclude an electronic IFL unclassified student agreement and pay a fixed fee of 2 BSI or 1 BSI for studying the language for one semester.

6. The third-cycle students of partner institutions that hold the right for doctoral studies together with VMU, at the beginning of the semester, shall submit their application to the IFL requesting to become an unclassified IFL student, conclude an electronic IFL unclassified student agreement and pay a fixed fee of 2 BSI or 1 BSI for studying the language for one semester.

7. Visiting VMU students (under Erasmus, bilateral exchange and other programs) shall study foreign languages free of charge provided that the foreign language is included in the compulsory study program; otherwise, they shall be accepted as IFL unclassified students and pay in accordance with the procedure set out in par. 5 of this Procedure.

8. Students from other Lithuanian universities, school learners and other IFL unclassified students shall submit an application to the IFL stating which language they want to study and conclude an electronic IFL unclassified student agreement. For all foreign languages taught at VMU IFL a student shall pay 63,93 € per 1 credit, i. e.:
8.1. for a 7-credit course the fee is 447,51 € per semester;
8.2. for a 6-credit course the fee is 383,58 € per semester;
8.3. for a 5-credit course the fee is 319,65 € per semester;
8.4. for a 4-credit course the fee is 255,72 € per semester;
8.5 for a 3 credit course the fee is 191,79 € per semester;
8.6. for a 2-credit course the fee is 127,86 € per semester.

9. Students of VMU Rasa and VMU Ugnė Karvelis gymnasiums can attend foreign language courses free of charge by studying with VMU students or in courses specially tailored for them, having submitted the application to become an unclassified IFL student and signed an electronic IFL unclassified student agreement.

10. Students of VMU partner schools shall pay a fee of 2 BSI or 1 BSI for studying any foreign language from all provided at VMU IFL for one semester, having submitted the application to become an unclassified IFL student and signed an electronic IFL unclassified student agreement.

11. VMU third-cycle students and staff of VMU can attend foreign languages free of charge, having submitted the application to become an unclassified IFL student and signed an electronic IFL unclassified student agreement.

12. Group A course Lithuanian Language for Foreigners (corresponding levels A1, A2, B1, B2; each level 6 credits) and the introductory Lithuanian language course A Short Course of Lithuanian Language Basics (2 credits) shall be studied as foreign languages.
12.1. For studying these courses, students of other universities, school learners and other unclassified students shall pay the fee referred to in par. 8 of this Procedure. To conclude the agreement, unclassified students shall apply to the Department of International Relations.
12.2. The following course participants are exempt from the fee for studying the Lithuanian Language for Foreigners:
12.2.1. Exchange program students and students of inter-institutional or cross-border agreements (types I and II) coming to the university for a period of studies or practice;
12.2.2. Students studying in joint degree study programs, dual degree programs, first and second-cycle studies which are provided in the English language;
12.2.3. VMU staff.


[1]   The size of the BSI (basic social benefit) is determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Resolution No. 1206 “On the Adoption of the Levels of Reference Indicators for Social Support Benefits”. Read more: