Sentence Combining
Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
Insert the most suitable part of speech: noun, verb or adjective.
the door quietly behind you.
2. She moved
trying to hear what Nick was saying.
3. She was
to tears.
4. Did the fridge door
5. Enemy troops began
in at dawn.
6. Snow forced both airports
all the flights.
7. As the winter grew
, we started to think about leaving.
8. The government plans
20 coal mines.
9. Don’t
the bird in a cage.
10. If you
the computer, it stops operating.
11. The business is going
12. The speech was
by the chairman.
13. They
the deal on the market.
14. How
are we to the city?
15. Don’t get
to the fire.
16. Nick
the book and put it down.
17. There is a proposal
the park to traffic.
18. We
the shop on Sundays.
19. It’s time
the meeting.
up the door.