Study visit to Barcelona
· How can we overcome the fear of public speaking?
· How can we focus on one thing amidst a sea of thoughts, ideas, and challenges?
· How can we relax and enjoy learning in non-traditional environments, such as museums?
· How can we “wake up” our brains during the sluggish early morning hours to learn languages effectively?
Can language teachers help their students tackle these common challenges?
During an Erasmus+ study visit in Barcelona, VMU IFL lecturer Daiva Pundziuvienė improved her expertise in social and emotional learning (SEL) methodology.
Research shows that SEL fosters a more positive and supportive emotional climate within educational institutions, boosting student motivation and enhancing their learning outcomes.
As UNESCO’s Education 2030 states, “happiness can be the goal and measure of quality teaching and learning,” emphasizing that “people, processes, environment, and principles should be the focus in creating a happy educational institution” (UNESCO, 2024).